Eczema means boil out. The term denotes red skin with eruptions containing liquid that oozes out.

Eczema is divided into:

acute, sub-acute and chronic.

Factors Triggering Eczema
It can be caused by exogenous causes like irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis photo dermatitis or endogenous causes like atopic seborrheic, nummular eczema, pompholyx eczematous drug eruption. 

Eczema Treatment in Hyderabad
Cold compression with 4MnO4 or burrows solution topical containing oily calamine, anti-infection corticosteroid lotions can be given. Systemic therapy is considered when there is wide spread of the eczema.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Eczema Contagious?

Eczema is not contagious. It can occur because of exogenous causes like irritant contact dermatitis, photo dermatitis or infective dermatitis or endogenous causes like atopic seborrheic, nummular or pompholyx.

What are the triggering factors for eczema?

Eczema can be triggered by contact with the allergen or ingestion or sometimes development of hypersensitivity to bacterial infection.

Is eczema caused by stress?

Eczema severity is more associated with weather change and contact rather than stress.

What is the most effective treatment for eczema?

Based on the severity of the condition eczema can be treated with local application of steroids, anti-bacterial cream or oily calamine lotion. In severe case systemic drugs such as anti-histamine immune suppressive, corticosteroids can be given.

Can I try home remedies or any at home treatment for eczema?

Eczema can be well managed with home remedies between exaggerations of symptoms Avoiding the known allergen, avoid fragrance based products. Always moisturize the skin.

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