Vampire facelift™ - do not let the name mislead you!

It is not a regular surgical facelift procedure but it is the trendiest cosmetic procedure that provides great results.
This procedure entails infusing the client's own blood back into their face to potentially fight the damaged skin and signs of aging.


  • To start, for a comfortable experience during the procedure, a cleanup of the face is done followed by the application of topical numbing cream for 30 mins.
  • After this, a certified nurse collects 10ml of blood from the client's arm followed by setting the blood test tubes for centrifugation to isolate blood and plasma.
  • The plasma which is separated is rich in growth factors that promote collagen and elastin production, further help in regaining youthful appearance by generating newer and younger tissue.
  • With a minimum discomfort during the procedure, the concentrate of growth factors is infused or injected on the face. For great results, the procedure must be repeated 2-4 times with a gap of 4 weeks.
  • This procedure has proven to show outstanding results within few weeks but gradually, and it brings a great difference in tone, texture, and pigmentation.



The procedure is suggested for clients with fine lines, initial sagging of face, hyperpigmentation, acne, and acne scars, cellulite, and hair loss and is contraindicated for clients having bleeding, clotting disorders and low platelet count.

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